82 MW
As of
6 MW
As of
31 MW
As of
42 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
4 MW
As of
13 MW
As of
NRGreen (NRG3)
5 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
22 MW
As of
14 MW
As of
Westlock (WST1)
45 MW
As of
22 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
eReserve1 Rycroft (ERV1)
Energy Storage
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
eReserve4 (ERV4)
Energy Storage
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
eReserve6 (ERV6)
Energy Storage
0 MW
As of
eReserve7 (ERV7)
Energy Storage
0 MW
As of
eReserve8 (ERV8)
Energy Storage
0 MW
As of
eReserve9 (ERV9)
Energy Storage
0 MW
As of
Summerview (SUM1)
Energy Storage
84 MW
As of
Air Liquide Scotford #1 (ALS1)
Gas - Cogeneration
39 MW
As of
AltaGas Harmattan (HMT1)
Gas - Cogeneration
515 MW
As of
Base Plant (SCR1)
Gas - Cogeneration
0 MW
As of
Bear Creek 1 (BCRK)
Gas - Cogeneration
18 MW
As of
Bear Creek 2 (BCR2)
Gas - Cogeneration
0 MW
As of
Blackfalds (BFD1)
Gas - Cogeneration
10 MW
As of
Camrose (CRG1)
Gas - Cogeneration
89 MW
As of
Carseland Cogen (TC01)
Gas - Cogeneration
96 MW
As of
Christina Lake (CL01)
Gas - Cogeneration
221 MW
As of
CNRL Horizon (CNR5)
Gas - Cogeneration
5 MW
As of
Coaldale (COD1)
Gas - Cogeneration
164 MW
As of
Dow Hydrocarbon (DOWG)
Gas - Cogeneration
5 MW
As of
Edson (TLM2)
Gas - Cogeneration
42 MW
As of
Empress (EPS1)
Gas - Cogeneration
477 MW
As of
Firebag (SCR6)
Gas - Cogeneration
198 MW
As of
Fort Hills (FH1)
Gas - Cogeneration
87 MW
As of
Foster Creek (EC04)
Gas - Cogeneration
45 MW
As of
Heartland Petrochemical (HRT1)
Gas - Cogeneration
420 MW
As of
Joffre #1 (JOF1)
Gas - Cogeneration
77 MW
As of
Kearl (IOR3)
Gas - Cogeneration
25 MW
As of
Lindbergh (PEC1)
Gas - Cogeneration
208 MW
As of
MacKay River (MKRC)
Gas - Cogeneration
187 MW
As of
Mahkeses (IOR1)
Gas - Cogeneration
177 MW
As of
MEG1 Christina Lake (MEG1)
Gas - Cogeneration
0 MW
As of
Mulligan (MUL1)
Gas - Cogeneration
204 MW
As of
Muskeg River (MKR1)
Gas - Cogeneration
193 MW
As of
Nabiye (IOR2)
Gas - Cogeneration
189 MW
As of
Nexen Inc #2 (NX02)
Gas - Cogeneration
356 MW
As of
Poplar Creek (SCR5)
Gas - Cogeneration
94 MW
As of
Primrose #1 (PR1)
Gas - Cogeneration
44 MW
As of
Rainbow Lake #1 (RL1)
Gas - Cogeneration
46 MW
As of
Redwater Cogen (TC02)
Gas - Cogeneration
9 MW
As of
Saddle Hills (SDH1)
Gas - Cogeneration
160 MW
As of
Scotford Upgrader (APS1)
Gas - Cogeneration
22 MW
As of
Strathcona (IOR4)
Gas - Cogeneration
438 MW
As of
Syncrude #1 (SCL1)
Gas - Cogeneration
14 MW
As of
U of C Generator (UOC1)
Gas - Cogeneration
15 MW
As of
University of Alberta (UOA1)
Gas - Cogeneration
23 MW
As of
Wapiti (WPT1)
Gas - Cogeneration
16 MW
As of
Wembley (WEM1)
Gas - Cogeneration
448 MW
As of
Cascade 1 (CAS1)
Gas - Combined Cycle
448 MW
As of
Cascade 2 (CAS2)
Gas - Combined Cycle
91 MW
As of
Cavalier (EC01)
Gas - Combined Cycle
326 MW
As of
ENMAX Calgary Energy Centre (CAL1)
Gas - Combined Cycle
25 MW
As of
Fort Nelson (FNG1)
Gas - Combined Cycle
463 MW
As of
Genesee Repower 1 (GNR1)
Gas - Combined Cycle
464 MW
As of
Genesee Repower 2 (GNR2)
Gas - Combined Cycle
102 MW
As of
H.R. Milner (HRM)
Gas - Combined Cycle
124 MW
As of
Medicine Hat #1 (CMH1)
Gas - Combined Cycle
56 MW
As of
Nexen Inc #1 (NX01)
Gas - Combined Cycle
757 MW
As of
Shepard (EGC1)
Gas - Combined Cycle
0 MW
As of
AB Newsprint (ANC1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Bantry (ALP1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Bellshill (BHL1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Benalto 1 (VBN1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Briker 1 (VBR1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
10 MW
As of
Carson Creek (GEN5)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Cloverbar #1 (ENC1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
99 MW
As of
Cloverbar #2 (ENC2)
Gas - Simple Cycle
97 MW
As of
Cloverbar #3 (ENC3)
Gas - Simple Cycle
39 MW
As of
39 MW
As of
40 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
Drywood (DRW1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Elmworth (NPC3)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
High River 1 (HRV1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
High River 2 (HRV2)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Judy Creek (GEN6)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Kenilworth 1 (VKW1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Lethbridge Burdett (ME03)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Lethbridge Coaldale (ME04)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Lethbridge Taber (ME02)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Netook 1 (VNT1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
96 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
Northern Valley 1 (VNV1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
NPC2 JL Landry (NPC2)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Parkland (ALP2)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Poplar Hill #1 (PH1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Rainbow #5 (RB5)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Ralston (NAT1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
13 MW
As of
South Edmonton Terminal (SET1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Valley View 1 (VVW1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Valley View 2 (VVW2)
Gas - Simple Cycle
18 MW
As of
West Cadotte (WCD1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
West Pembina (PMB1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
0 MW
As of
Wilson Creek (WLC1)
Gas - Simple Cycle
32 MW
As of
Battle River #4 (BR4)
Gas - Steam
90 MW
As of
Battle River #5 (BR5)
Gas - Steam
465 MW
As of
Genesee #3 (GN3)
Gas - Steam
0 MW
As of
Keephills #2 (KH2)
Gas - Steam
462 MW
As of
Keephills #3 (KH3)
Gas - Steam
0 MW
As of
Sheerness #1 (SH1)
Gas - Steam
127 MW
As of
Sheerness #2 (SH2)
Gas - Steam
106 MW
As of
Sundance #6 (SD6)
Gas - Steam
51 MW
As of
133 MW
As of
144 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
4 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
2 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
1 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
Hays (HYS1)
0 MW
As of
Hull (HUL1)
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
1 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
2 MW
As of
26 MW
As of
2 MW
As of
5 MW
As of
8 MW
As of
7 MW
As of
4 MW
As of
15 MW
As of
4 MW
As of
1 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
2 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
113 MW
As of
23 MW
As of
28 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
85 MW
As of
12 MW
As of
32 MW
As of
22 MW
As of
53 MW
As of
7 MW
As of
141 MW
As of
3 MW
As of
115 MW
As of
4 MW
As of
286 MW
As of
4 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
45 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
15 MW
As of
0 MW
As of
40 MW
As of